A million dollars a year is a lot of money. If we break it down to a daily amount it comes out to 2739.73 dollars a day. All you need to do to earn a million dollars is figure out how to make $2739.73 a day. But, what job pays that much?
Let's break it down to hourly. To earn a million dollars a year earning an hourly wage you would have to make a little under $343 a hour and work 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day the entire year. Upon doing a little research I couldn't find many jobs that pay that kind of hourly wage. To earn a million dollars a year you need to be a professional athlete, an actor or celebrity of some kind, own a profitable company or be the CEO of a large company. Those are the most common ways to earn a million dollars a year so how the heck can a Beachbody Coach earn a million dollars a year? How is it possible to earn that kind of income selling P90X and Shakeology? It just doesn't make sense.
I'm very happy to inform you that not only is it possible, it has been done. In the link below you can see the highest and lowest earnings of the different ranks of Beachbody Coaches. In the chart you can see that the highest amount a Beachbody Coach earned in 2010 was $1,052,383.
As you can see from the numbers on the earnings pdf it is possible to make some serious cash as a Beachbody Coach, but how is it possible?
Beachbody Coaches have the opportunity to build a large income because they are able to use leverage to build a large organization of coaches. Leverage is the key component in obtaining wealth. In regular companies, business owners leverage employees who are willing to work for a hourly wage. But Beachbody's business model is much different than a regular corporation. It would be a rare occassion for a business owner to train an employee with the hope that the employee would someday surpass him or her. In most cases an employee never has the opportunity to earn more than the owner of the company. If an employee wants to earn more money the only option the employee has is to start his or her own company, and then would be direct competition to their former boss. This is why owners never really share their secrets or train employees to their full potential, out of fear that they will someday lose them and be their direct competition. This is very common in real estate, the construction business, the financial industry and many other industries.
On the other hand, in Beachbody's business model, when someone brings a new coach into the business, it is actually beneficial to the sponsor if the new coach does well. So the sponsor will do everything they can to make sure the new coach gets trained properly, and the sponsor will also share any secret tips or methods they use. Network marketing is a unique business because it is the only business where you would route for your distributors to do better than yourself. It comes down to real team work because if the sponsoree doesn't do well then the sponsorer doesn't do well. The sponsorer has a vested interest in seeing their sponsoree do well.
I'm not saying making a million dollars in this business is easy, in fact, I will say that it is hard. It takes some real work. Things will have to be learned and there will be ups and downs. But the fact that it is possible and can be done is very motivating. The possibility of earning a million dollars a year at your every day 9-5 office job doesn't exist. It doesn't matter how hard you work, even after 30 years, there is no way you can make that kind of money working for a hourly wage or salary, for someone else. Even with all the over time in the world. And who wants a life full of overtime? The fact is kind of depressing when you think about it, to be limited in what you can earn and what you can do. It depresses me which is why I became a Beachbody Coach and will be a 15 Star Diamond making over a million dollars by the end of 2012. More and more people are starting to see the benefits of network marketing and the industry continues to grow year after year. Are you ready to change your life?
The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.
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