Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beachbody and Network Marketing???

Being involved in Network Marketing I’ve found that many people have negative preconceived notions about this business model. Many people say, “it’s a pyramid scam”. I still can’t figure out how it could be considered a “pyramid scam”. First of all, pyramid scams are illegal and I doubt a profitable multi million dollar company, such as Beachbody, would want to get involved in something like that. The network marketing business model has been around over 60 years and and has helped create huge, profitable companies. The top 2 cosmetics companies, Mary Kay and Avon, both use the Network Marketing business model. Tupperware was on of the first companies to use this business model nearly 60 years ago. Amway still is the top online global seller of supplements. Sprint, MCI and AT&T make their long distance phone service available through Network Marketing companies. The A.L. Williams Company utilized Network Marketing and astounded the insurance industry by outselling Prudential, a giant in the industry, in four short years.
Network Marketing is the new way to financial freedom. You’ll never create residual income and freedom from the traditional job. Even professionals are trading their time for money; if they are not seeing clients or patients, they are not getting paid. Most income is temporary and it is easy to determine if your income is temporary – just stop working for 90 days. If your income stops or slows down, you have temporary income. With Beachbody, you’re able to make sales, generate team volume, and make money while you are asleep, on vacation, or at your kid’s soccer game.
I’ve taken the below right from Carl Daikeler’s, (founder and CEO of Beachbody) Blog:
Carl Daikeler wrote- So when people ask me “Why Network Marketing”, I respond that it is an imperative. Growth is one thing, contribution is another. This business model has both, and instead of one giant company, we’re going to be a company of a million coaches, each their own independent company, helping 100 million people get healthy and fit. That’s what we will achieve, and that’s why network marketing is a priority!
I also found this on Carl’s Blog in the comments section:

Anonymous said…

Though there may be certain benefits of the coach network, I think it’s a net loser for Beachbody. Even for die hard, loyal customers like me, the whole coach thing wreaks of a multi-level marketing scam. I believe you’re well-intentioned, but the coach set-up appears unscrupulous from the outside. In the end, I think it leads to people doubting the integrity of your fitness programs, and that’s too bad because they are absolutely the best DVD workouts available. If I were you, I’d ditch the coach network and put more resources into keeping your customers happy by improving customer service and shipping.

Carl Daikeler said…

First, thanks for your business. As far as looking like a scam goes, that’s what they said about infomercials… but we’ve shown that a marketing medium of ill-repute isn’t what’s guilty, it’s simply misused by unscrupulous people. Look at the P90X infomercial. It’s more entertaining than most of the stuff I see on TV! And it’s promoting a product that’s getting people into incredible shape.
Network marketing as a business model has been abused for decades. But the power of people-helping-people is undeniable. The last the society needs is a giant “Wal-Mart of fitness”. What I think is needed is a million people with an incentive to help those around them incorporate fitness and portion control into their lives. We’ve created that incentive. And that incentive, combined with “absolutely the best DVD workouts available” (thank you!) plus constant improvements in customer service and shipping equals a revolution in health and fitness.
All I know for sure is, many of the people who get involved are making money helping people succeed where they failed with fitness and weight loss for years. That’s a win worth perpetuating. And that’s why this is so important to see through.My prediction is that in five years, people will look at this business model and wonder why gyms were ever so popular in the first place.


Network Marketing 4 Year Plan VS Traditional Business 40 Year Plan

Let's take a look at how the majority of us are living our lives. For 30-40 years most of us go to a job every day that we hate, barely making enough to pay our bills. Overtime, we give up on our dreams and become complacent to what we have achieved in our life. We stop chasing our dreams, we stop learning, and we give up entirely on any personal growth or development.
This quote below is taken directly from the book, My First Year in Network Marketing, by Mark Yarnell.
“By age twenty five, most people have an idea of what profession they’ll enter, anything from a fishing guide to a surgeon. But forty years later, out of a typical 100 people, 5 are still working, 36 are dead, 54 are dead broke (or at least earning far less than when they were employed), 4 are well off, and 1 person is wealthy. Thus, the forty-year plan means that for four decades most of us go back and forth, like a silly, sick, caged lion … and yet at the end of that time only 1 out of 100 has something to show for it!”


The video above is very sad. People’s lives have been crushed. Although the video is mostly about investing into a 401k, it also talks about the downturn of the economy and how getting laid off or losing a job can turn your financial situation into disaster. This reinforces the fact that working for someone else is the biggest financial risk someone can take. We all have the opportunity to be our own bosses and to take back control of our lives and finances.
Instead Of Working Hard For 40 Years, Work Hard For 4 Years…
With network marketing, it is possible to work hard for one company for 4 years and build an income based on the honest movement or products or services, and be set for life. While 4 years may be very ambitious, it is possible to do. I don’t want to give false hope or imply that it is something that is easy to do. As with any business or industry, there will be some learning involved that requires time and effort, but it well worth it. While author Mark Yarnell claims it is possible to achieve in 4 years, it may require up to 10 years of hard to work to earn enough residual income to consider yourself independently wealthy, 10 years is still much better than working hard for 40 years for someone else, and ending up with nothing.

“Stop building someone else’s dream and start building your own”

More To Think About

Most network marketing businesses have very little to no risk. Most “brick and mortar” businesses require significant capital before you can even hang up a sign. This is not the case when joining a network marketing business. This is a significant fact because it enable anyone to be able to join and in the competitive world of home businesses and franchises, we have no equals other than other network marketing businesses.

Another great aspect of being part of a network marketing business is that there is literally no ceilings or limits on the amount of income that can be earned. Most workers are paid by the hour or a fixed salary and there are only so many hours in a day, which limits how much they are able to make. Even high paid professions have limits to how much can be made, a lawyer can only bill so many hours in a day and a doctor can only perform a handful of surgeries in a day. Some great people working in traditional business haven’t had a raise in ten years. But, in our case, we can create a raise for our family everyday if we choose. Since we can sponsor an unlimited number of people who can each do the same, we are ultimately paid on the efforts of hundreds of thousands individuals. The fact that it is possible to earn 10K a week, or 100K a month is very exciting. I’ve personally met people that are making that kind of money and even more, so I know it is possible.

Get Started With The Best Network Marketing Company Today!
Contact me for more information on how to get started.

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