Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rethink your Lunch

Are you taking Lunch?   Awesome!  That is one step closer to Healthy!  Congratulations on that!

Now let's make sure you are truly keeping it Healthy!

1. Resuable plastic -  Unhealthy. It may contain hormone-disrupting chemicals like phthalates and BPA that you'd rather not rub against your food.

Better Choice:  4- and 8-ounce mason jelly jars! They cost only a few cents 

more than similar-size plastic containers (yet they last much longer) and are 

perfect for packing anything.

2. Pre-Packaged lunches - I know they are very easy to pick up and go but 

most of it loaded with salt and preservatives.

Better choice: Pack similar, healthier ingredients in small containers. Do a

 bunch at once and keep them on hand for quick packing, and let the eaters

 pick their own combos every evening or morning. Typical choices like cheese

 cubes or shreds, salsa or pizza sauce, whole-grain crackers, cut-up veggies 

and fruits, and real cooked meats are great, but the possibilities are endless. 

3. Cereal and Granola Bars - The food industry has turned these two Healthy sounding 

ingredients into more like candy. 

Better Choice: look for one that has at least 2 grams of Fiber and less than 10 grams of 

Sugar.  Or better yet make your own. Find a recipe here... http://mrsbeachfit.blogspot.com/2012/10/no-bake-chocolate-shakeology-cookies.html

4. Fruit Snacks - Yes, even I give into my kids some times asking for these treats.  The Only fruit contained in these things Usually is only on the package.  They are full of high - fructose corn syrup and artificial colors and flavors. 
Better Choice:  Pack fresh whole fruit, fruit slices, or dried fruit.

5. Yogurt is a great food, except after the food industry gets hold of it and adds excessive 

amounts of sweeteners, colors, and artificial flavors.

Better Choice: Buy plain or lightly sweetened organic yogurt by the quart and pack it in 

small containers with fresh fruit, chopped dry fruit, or a little fruit spread. Making your own 

yogurt from organic milk is very easy, takes no special equipment, and will save you even

more money.

I hope these tips have Helped You Pack a better healthier Lunch for you and your Family!

If you like what you've read here please share it.  :)

Also find me on :

Yvette Areguello -

Independent Beachbody Coach and P90X Certified Coach



Monday, May 13, 2013

Bad Habits that are Hurting your Goals

Every day you wake up and Have choices to make.  
Healthy Habits need to become habit for you and until then you will need to struggle and overcome the bad habits.


  1. Eating on the Run. ~ We all have very busy schedules so pre- planning is key.  Make sure to carry snacks.  Fresh Fruits and Veggies are always great on the run and will help you and the kids from having to stop at a fast food place on the way home.
  2. Skipping a Workout. ~ Missing your workouts?  Then Schedule them as you would any other Appointment!  Yes, they are that Important!  To help you stay on track make Small, Measurable Goals, the more you achieve your goals the Easier it is to stick to your plan!!
  3. Emotional / Mindless Snacking. ~ This can be a hard habit to break.  You Must Keep track and take charge. Keep track of when you reach for snacks, is it when you are board or sad or ???   The more you are aware the better your chances of breaking this Bad Habit that is adding on pounds.  
  4. Not Enough Sleep time. ~ With everyone so busy some think they can catch up on sleep later.... WRONG!  When you don't get the sleep your body Needs your body and mind don't function like they should.   Sleep is a time to recover from the day.  Just like making a workout routine get on a Sleep routine. You will feel better and Be More Productive!

Have A Wonderful Productive, Goal Reaching Week!!

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