Monday, February 25, 2013

My Ultimate Reset!

I'll Be starting this Program tomorrow! I'll keep you all informed on my journey.

Below are the reasons WHY I'll do this!

Why Reset?

Even though the body is extremely resilient, our bodies have been pushed to the limit by pollution, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and toxins contained in nearly every item that makes up our modern world. These harmful items disrupt the normal function of our organs and bodily systems, which, in turn, weakens our immunity, hinders metabolic activity, and creates imbalances that can lead to health problems.

With the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ you get these benefits:

  • Stronger immune system
  • Increased energy and more endurance
  • Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss
  • A more positive mood and mental clarity

It Only Takes 3 Weeks!

Help your body start fresh


Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is that first important step, or you want to optimize your stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of health and fitness.
Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.

Have a wonderful day!
Yvette - Mrsbeachfit

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tips on how not to snack

Stressed Out? 
While it’s tempting to deal with stress by eating, there are many healthier ways to relieve the pressure. Exercise may be the best way to lower stress levels. Instead of reaching for a snack when you feel ready to explode, take a quick walk outside or better yet, hit the gym for a vigorous workout. Any moderate to intense physical activity will reduce your stress  levels and help you deal with your problems more effectively. Try running, shadow boxing or even gardening.
By exercising regularly, you can also help prevent stress from building up to unmanageable levels in the first place. Meditation, yoga and visualization will also help you feel calmer and more relaxed.

Bored Crazy
If your weeknights are filled with TV watching, and every Saturday night brings the same old video and a pizza routine, it’s time to break out of your rut. Many times we eat out of habit without even thinking about what we’re doing, especially when we're mindlessly munching while watching the tube.

If you're eating to prevent boredom, then get off the sofa and try a new activity. Go dancing, bowling or skating for an inexpensive night out that doesn’t revolve around food. Mix up your routine as much as possible—if you usually talk to your friends on the phone, drop by for a face-to-face visit. You can’t eat if your hands are busy, so try doing something to keep your hands occupied. If you have free time, find an organization that needs volunteers and help out. Many people associate home with food and don’t eat if they’re not in their regular surroundings, so spending time out of the house keeps them from munching.

Loneliness can also prompt eating to symbolically fill the void you feel inside. Instead of filling up on empty calories, work on building stronger social networks. Volunteering is a good way to meet new people, as is enrolling in an evening class to learn a new skill. Making friends as an adult can be difficult since it requires a concerted effort to make a real change. You may have to go to them. Don’t sit around waiting for the phone to ring—people are busy and might not realize that you need their attention unless you approach them first. You might learn that they are just as lonely as you are but were afraid to reach out to anyone.

So Angry You Want to EAT?
Were you taught that it’s not nice to express anger? Many people are conditioned to bury negative emotions like anger instead of dealing with issues openly. So instead of working through their anger constructively, they eat their way out of their emotions.

What works for relieving stress—exercise, deep breathing—can also help relieve anger. While this gets rid of some angry energy and can help you calm down, it’s important that you deal with the initial cause of your anger. Talk to the person who may have upset you, or write about the issue in a private journal to clarify your feelings without hurting others—you can keep the words to yourself or show them to the other person.

Cry it Out
Many people are uncomfortable with sadness and some automatically think it’s a sign of weakness. It’s okay to feel blue some days and it’s natural to have emotional ups and downs. It helps to be able to pinpoint what prompted the emotion in the first place. If a bad argument with a friend leaves you feeling blue, for example, you can work on patching things up instead of eating to console yourself. But don’t forget the power of a good cry! Crying can help reduce stress and greatly help you feel better. Plus it’s much healthier than eating a bag of cookies or chips!

If you feel sad or weepy but don’t know why, try keeping a journal for a week to see if the reason is revealed to you. Persistent sad, hopeless feelings that last for two weeks or more can be sign that you may be depressed and you should discuss with your health care provider.

One Thought at a Time
Did you know that the simple act of smiling can make you feel happier? As cheesy as it sounds, smiling when you’re feeling down seems like one way to fake it until you make it.

Because your mind can only think one thought at a time, you can change your mood by changing your thought. If you’re angry or sad, stop thinking about the person or event that caused your emotion and switch to a thought that makes you feel happy or calm. Get your mind off your problems and think Positive!

* Adapted from SP

Monday, February 11, 2013

Healthy / Balanced eating Tips!

Tips for eating

1. Enjoy every bite! Chew your FOOD.
ACTION TIP: Set a timer. Start by finding out how quickly you currently eat your meals. You may be surprised to find out that breakfast or lunch at your computer is over within 5 or 10 minutes. Then, work on adding time to your meals, aiming for each meal to take AT LEAST 20 minutes.

2. Use smaller plates, cups and bowls.
ACTION TIP: Eat from smaller salad plates and small bowls for daily use. Without even realizing it, you'll serve and eat less. If your dinnerware is over-sized, it might be time for new dishes that won't make your properly portioned meals look tiny.

3. Pre-portion your foods.  Grab your measuring cups and a small bowl to keep your calories in check.  ACTION TIP: Instead of reaching into the chip bag or a big bowl of chips at a party, pre-portion your snacks into a smaller container (or plate) so you know exactly how much you're eating. Then, put the big bag away (or walk away from the bowl). You are much less likely to overeat and enjoy the smaller portion you served yourself. So dish it up, put the rest away, and taste every bite.

4. Know your pitfalls.
ACTION TIP: Make a list of your food weaknesses and the places you encounter them. Come up with solutions to avoid those encounters, like not venturing down the snack food aisle in the grocery store or choosing a different route to bypass the co-worker who always offers free goodies. Stick with your plan of avoidance until you build up the strength to face that food without giving up your control!

5. Use the proper plate method.
Most meals we eat at home or in restaurants are backwards: big portions of meat and carbs and very few
(if any) vegetables.
ACTION TIP: Fill half your plate with disease-fighting vegetables, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with your whole grains. This method automatically piles your plate full of filling, low-calorie veggies that also provide fiber, vitamins and minerals to fight disease. It also helps control portions of starches and protein, which can sometimes become larger than necessary. Keep in mind that using a smaller dish still helps, even when using the proper plate method.

6. Pack in the protein.
ACTION TIP: Stick to lean sources of protein: Beans, hummus, egg whites, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, and milk) can all give you muscle-building proteins without added fat.

7. Doggy bag it.  Portions served at most restaurants set you up for overeating.
ACTION TIP: Take your good intentions one step further. Ask your server to pack up half of your meal before it hits the table. That way, you'll stop when you're halfway done and still have leftovers for tomorrow. It works because it's a clear "stop sign" in your meal and most people aren't likely to dig into their doggy bag or take-out box before leaving the restaurant.

8. Eat breakfast. Studies show that people who eat breakfast have a lower BMI (body mass index) and consume fewer total calories each day than people who skip breakfast altogether.
 ACTION TIP: Many people simply don't "feel hungry" in the morning or don't like how breakfast makes them feel. Start small. You CAN retrain your body to feel hungry and enjoy breakfast.  Or Just Drink Shakeology!

Hope these tips Help!
also find me at

*Some of the helpful hints taken from SP.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Don't Deprive Myself!!

Another week has gone by when I have to hear people tell me that, "they cut out all sugar", or "oh they are so bad because they had a small piece of cake".  

I really cannot stand this way of thinking!!  Anyone that knows me, knows I Eat Everything! I Do Not Deprive myself of something I may be craving.  The fact is I know when to STOP!  I  eat a little of what I want now,  so I do not want to gorge on it at another time because I've deprived myself of it. 

If it is something I really feel I shouldn't eat at that  time then I tell myself  "I Choose Not to have that candy".  Instead of "I cannot have that candy."  You see how I'm Making it MY Choice, I have the control of what I nourish my body with.  The other way is a negative.  You didn't give yourself the choice, rather you took it away!!

This way of thinking has helped me immensely, in staying in control of the food I put in my mouth. I hope you take it to help you also.

Another reason I don't deprive myself, I work hard at  doing my workouts and eating Healthy 80% of the time.  I feel I have that 20% room to eat something I want that may not be as healthy.  I find being too strict is not healthy for me. 

Everyone is unique You need to find what works for you and stick with that.  

*Food for thought~ Simple sugar is simple sugar, no matter if it's "natural" (honey) or not (white sugar).  Your Body does not distinguish the difference!!
~ Glucose is brain fuel~

What Do you do to help yourself control what you nourish your body with?? 

I'd love to hear from you: