Monday, December 31, 2012

How do I keep myself motivated?

Have you ever asked yourself that questions?
I know I have.  :)
What worked for me is finding the right program that I really enjoyed and wanted to do consistently along with a virtual workout Buddy.
Yes, virtual. I knew the person but we didn't have the same workout schedule so we signed onto TeamBeachbody daily to log in our workouts. I could see what she had done and she could see my workout!  It's actually very cool and it was one of the MOST Motivating parts of my new routine.

Everyone needs to find what works for them and I found this great article from Tony Horton I wanted to share with all you wonderful people.

From Tony Horton~
 Here's a question people ask me: "I'm finding that my exercise routine is very intense and I'm seeing the benefits on day 1, so what can I do to stay motivated and keep going?"
Most folks struggle with motivation every day. I'm one of them. Motivation can be broken down into a few subcategories. My fifth Law of Health and Fitness is "Loving It." Progress and motivation are possible if you look forward to your workouts. They have to be challenging and interesting to you. If you despise them before you start them, you're not going to survive them for very long. If your reasons why are meaningful to you, then staying motivated is easier. I'm always promoting health, fitness, quality of life, and feeling good as reasons to get and stay motivated. Not to say that a person's goal to lose weight or fit into smaller clothes isn't motivating—it's just that when these goals are obtained then new ones need to come into play.
When the numbers on your scale and measuring tape are low enough to make you happy then it's important to start to explore some new numbers. I'm talking about numbers that relate to ability, improvement, and achievement. Your physical appearance will improve at a more rapid rate if you can start to exercise with your focus on power, speed, and strength. This mind set applies to both men and women. This means that your motivation comes from your desire to "Bring It" during exercise at home and out in the world. Let your P90X or 10 Minute Trainer workouts trigger something new and bigger than anything you've done before. For me it's skiing and gymnastics. For you it could be anything that pushes you beyond the confines of repeating the same workouts the same way, day after day.

If you want a virtual workout buddy find me at and sign up for FREE membership.  I will be able to help you along you new journey!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just Start!

We all live with busy, hectic lives and try to get So much packed into our days.  By the end of the day we are tired and not wanting to put any more on us. Right??

The thing is, Are you taking care of yourself during the day.  Are you eating well?  Are you fitting in some workout time?  Most would say, I try to eat well, or I park far from the front, or I take the stairs.  These are all well and good and it's been what we seen in the news so we do it.

I want to Help by telling you Just Start Making yourself the A Priority in your Life.  I've been there, I've lived the life I just talked about, it didn't get me anywhere!  When I Made Myself a Priority and Scheduled my workouts every morning that is when my body started changing. You may need to wake up a few minutes earlier or schedule a time in the evening (at least an hour or two before bed)  All you need to start with is, Taking 10 minutes a day for yourself!!

Get it out of your Head the "All or Nothing" mentality!  Shorter exercise routines can be accumulated and can have similar benefits of the longer workouts!  So don't think that you have to absolutely do a 60 minute workout to get the results you want.

Treat your 10 minutes as a regular workout.  Warm up for 1-2 minutes do 7 minutes of medium to high intensity then a 1 min cool down.  There you are! Done for the day!  You will see this help you make other changes in your life but YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE!! So Just Start with 10 minutes a Day!

If you need help finding the a workout routine Please contact me for help!

You can also watch this to see if this might be for you....

Also like my page for daily help and motivation to help you reach your goals for a Healthy and Happy life!

Thank you.  I am so privileged to work in the industry I am passionate about. I am so Happy to be able to help anyone and everyone.
Have an Amazing day!
Yvette Arguello ~BeachBody and P90X Coach