Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are you Overtraining? What are the Signs?

I hear so many people tell me they are working out Every single day without taking Rest Days.  Or others that workout even when they are so exhausted from the day but still put in their workout.
Yes, working out Is good for you, but are you Over- training your body?

First off you want to make sure you are Smart about working out. Whether you are Strength Training or doing a Cardio workout you want to make sure to give your body a 48 hour rest from that workout.  This is why cross training is so important. Nutrition is so important during this time also at my site, you can find Pre-workout formula ( Energy and Endurance) and Post- workout ( Rest and Recovery) drinks. These are formulated to give you they right amounts of carbs and protein to help your muscles work properly.  So please make sure to make at least One day a week a Light activity day or Rest day!

Well, what if you have already over done it?  What are the signs of over training?
  1. Fatigue:  Exercise should leave you feeling energized not exhausted.  If you're not getting that feel-good endorphin rush that's one of the awesome by-products of being active, it's time to take a look at your training and see what your body may be telling you!
  2. Frequent colds or Infections:  When you exercise daily your body is continuously working on repairing your muscles. Then if you catch a virus, your immune system cannot spend 100% of it's energy to help you fight off the virus, thus you stay sick Longer.
  3. Difficulty Sleeping:  Are you unable to fall asleep? Or are you sleeping and still wake up so tired you feel could sleep all day?  Both of these can be caused by Over training.  exercising too much can cause your body to think it's stressed out. Which would make it hard to sleep, or may cause you to be so tired you can't function right.  Sleep is a time when the body and brain recovers, and if you're pushing it too hard, your body might be telling you that it needs more time to rest. So listen to your body and give it more rest!
  4. Ongoing or Chronic muscle soreness:  Well muscle soreness is a good thing, Right?  Yes, it's a sign that we gave it our all and are making our bodies stronger.  But if you've been sore for more than 48 hours or get sore easily then it's a sign of over doing it.  You Need extra REST! So please make sure to ease into exercise, adding time or intensity slowly over time.  Your body is a wonderful machine, take care of it and give it time to adapt and improve!
Other signs: Loss of appetite, excessive weight loss or loss of body fat, irregular menses, increased resting heart rate, increased injuries.
What to do Now?  Swap out your regular routine for a 30 minutes stretch, a brisk walk, or some dancing around the house.  You don't have to putting everything on hold but you Do need to tone it down so your Body can Recover! Remember -You are making yourself stronger by giving your body the rest that it's (subtly) asking for!
I'd Love to hear from you:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Build Consistency and Put your self first!

With the rules for building consistency.
Consistency is the Key to Success!

These simple rules, when followed faithfully, will make it easier for you to be consistent with your healthy Lifestylehabits—even on the toughest days.

Rule #1: Never tell yourself “I’m not motivated.”
That’s not the real problem, unless you really don’t want to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle. As long as you do want these things, you have all the motivation you need. Stop feeling guilty for taking time out for you, and realize in the long run, it's a win-win for everyone. When you are tired, stressed out and pulled in too many directions, it is hard to give your best to all you must accomplish. Remember, self-time is not selfish—it's a necessary dimension of self-care!

It may be true that sometimes you don’t want to excercise, or that you really want to stop and get fast food rather than cooking dinner. That’s understandable, but it doesn’t mean you’re not motivated. It just means that you want two different and opposing things, and you have to make a decision. Telling yourself that you lack motivation is just a way of denying that you really do have a choice. It makes the problem seem out of your control and it makes you feel less powerful than you really are. Not true!

In the long run you’ll do better if you acknowledge that the choice is yours to make. You can choose either option, without making excuses or inventing a theory like “lack of motivation” to justify it. Then, pay attention to how you feel about the choice you made, and decide whether that is how you want to feel most of the time.
Being consistent does not mean being perfect. (There are going to be days when you decide to do something other than stick to your excersice and healthy life style routine, and that’s fine.) But becoming consistent does mean giving yourself the power to choose.

Rule #2: Build momentum one step at a time.
It’s never easy to change old habits or start new routines. Studies show that it takes anywhere from 21 to 40 days to really turn a new behavior into a persistent habit. And during that time, you’re going to have to work at it pretty diligently—even when you don’t feel like it.

The key to long term consistency is building momentum. The hardest part is always getting things started. But once you’re moving, staying in motion and picking up speed becomes a lot easier. There are a lot of ways you can gradually build momentum during those first few weeks. Here are some examples:
  • Start with something that’s pretty easy to manage and build up from there. Set a goal of one 10-minute workout (Ten Minute Trainer) per week. Then increase it to two 10-minute sessions. Gradually add minutes to each workout (and eventually add one or more additional workouts to your week), until you're exercising as long and as frequently as you should in order to reach your goals. The simple act of setting aside some time for excercise every day, no matter how little, and sticking to it is enough to start building the habit.
  • Find an accountability buddy—someone who knows about your plan and is willing to give you a push when you feel like slacking off. I'm here to Help you with this!
  • Join a Team or Challenge here with me at Beachbody. It’s always harder to let someone else down than it is to let yourself off the hook.
  • Employ an excuse buster. Find a friend, family member, or Beachbody member whose judgment and opinion you respect. You’ll probably find that this makes it a lot harder for you to believe your own rationalizations.
Rule #3: Always have a plan B.
Because life is unpredictable and complicated, you need to have plan B ready—even before you actually need it. Plan B is an alternative way to stay consistent with your goals when your regular routine (or something else) doesn’t work out as planned. Those surprises won't throw you off track if you plan ahead.
Following these three simple rules will help you overcome some common obstacles while building the momentum you need to stay consistent. At the very least, you’ll be able to take all those lemons that life hands you, and make some good (and diet-friendly) lemonade out of them.  -SP

Join my Team or get free Help - I'm here to Support you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reasons Why A Besachbody Challege Pack is the Best Choice!

Reasons Why A Besachbody Challege Pack is the Best Choice!

Thousands of people are satisfied for making the best life choice by managing their health and fitness with Beachbody. It is because Beachbody offers a program that helps the people to stay in the best of health and in top shape.
Challenge Packs are a “whole deal” if you want to change your life completely. If you had been searching about Beachbody Challenge, you may have the slight understanding of the ultimate success formula: “Fitness + Nutrition = Success”. However to understand the benefits of all these things combined together in a wholesome pack, read on below and know Why Beachbody challenge is something that will benefit you.

Why Beachbody Challenge Pack Is A Must For Your Health?

These all in one-health solutions will meet your fitness goals without sacrificing your health.
Here are some of the reasons, which solve the above stated question; Why Beachbody Challenge is necessary for you? Let us have a look:

Reason Number 1: The Price:

The best thing about ordering the Beachbody challenge packs is the price difference. If you are ordering the workouts alone and getting Shakeology home direct option separately, then instead buying it in a bulk pack can help you save more. In addition, you will get proper guidance and support for keeping your goals in line and manage your routine accordingly when you join the Beachbody Challenge Group.
Plus, besides everything, you get the great 30 day money back guarantee through which you can return your challenge pack, if you find it unsatisfactory. So there is nothing to lose.

Reason Number 2: The Choice:

The Beachbody Challenge packs includes from the easiest exercises to the most intense Beachbody workouts that are packed with nutrition and the guidance of the top coaches.
Choose according to your fitness scenario, whether you want to get fit physically or just want to cleanse your system, make your choice.

Reason Number 3: Club Membership:

With the challenge pack purchase, you Join Beachbody with 30-day trial membership and you automatically become a member of the club. This is an amazing deal as it is absolutely free of any original costs associated with joining the Beachbody Team.

Reason Number 4: Cash Prizes

By ordering the Beachbody challenge pack, you also get a change of winning up to $100,000 and other daily and monthly prices. Join any Beachbody Challenge group with your challenge pack, track your progress and share your success story to win the prizes.

Get Your Beachbody Challenge Pack Today!

Beachbody Challenge packs are second to none.
The great workout programs in the packs have helped people to mend the body while the nutrition supplements have put an end to a poor lifestyles. Internet is filled with “success stories” and transformation images of the Beachbody products.
Make sure you fully get the benefit from your challenge packs as well!