Monday, December 31, 2012

How do I keep myself motivated?

Have you ever asked yourself that questions?
I know I have.  :)
What worked for me is finding the right program that I really enjoyed and wanted to do consistently along with a virtual workout Buddy.
Yes, virtual. I knew the person but we didn't have the same workout schedule so we signed onto TeamBeachbody daily to log in our workouts. I could see what she had done and she could see my workout!  It's actually very cool and it was one of the MOST Motivating parts of my new routine.

Everyone needs to find what works for them and I found this great article from Tony Horton I wanted to share with all you wonderful people.

From Tony Horton~
 Here's a question people ask me: "I'm finding that my exercise routine is very intense and I'm seeing the benefits on day 1, so what can I do to stay motivated and keep going?"
Most folks struggle with motivation every day. I'm one of them. Motivation can be broken down into a few subcategories. My fifth Law of Health and Fitness is "Loving It." Progress and motivation are possible if you look forward to your workouts. They have to be challenging and interesting to you. If you despise them before you start them, you're not going to survive them for very long. If your reasons why are meaningful to you, then staying motivated is easier. I'm always promoting health, fitness, quality of life, and feeling good as reasons to get and stay motivated. Not to say that a person's goal to lose weight or fit into smaller clothes isn't motivating—it's just that when these goals are obtained then new ones need to come into play.
When the numbers on your scale and measuring tape are low enough to make you happy then it's important to start to explore some new numbers. I'm talking about numbers that relate to ability, improvement, and achievement. Your physical appearance will improve at a more rapid rate if you can start to exercise with your focus on power, speed, and strength. This mind set applies to both men and women. This means that your motivation comes from your desire to "Bring It" during exercise at home and out in the world. Let your P90X or 10 Minute Trainer workouts trigger something new and bigger than anything you've done before. For me it's skiing and gymnastics. For you it could be anything that pushes you beyond the confines of repeating the same workouts the same way, day after day.

If you want a virtual workout buddy find me at and sign up for FREE membership.  I will be able to help you along you new journey!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just Start!

We all live with busy, hectic lives and try to get So much packed into our days.  By the end of the day we are tired and not wanting to put any more on us. Right??

The thing is, Are you taking care of yourself during the day.  Are you eating well?  Are you fitting in some workout time?  Most would say, I try to eat well, or I park far from the front, or I take the stairs.  These are all well and good and it's been what we seen in the news so we do it.

I want to Help by telling you Just Start Making yourself the A Priority in your Life.  I've been there, I've lived the life I just talked about, it didn't get me anywhere!  When I Made Myself a Priority and Scheduled my workouts every morning that is when my body started changing. You may need to wake up a few minutes earlier or schedule a time in the evening (at least an hour or two before bed)  All you need to start with is, Taking 10 minutes a day for yourself!!

Get it out of your Head the "All or Nothing" mentality!  Shorter exercise routines can be accumulated and can have similar benefits of the longer workouts!  So don't think that you have to absolutely do a 60 minute workout to get the results you want.

Treat your 10 minutes as a regular workout.  Warm up for 1-2 minutes do 7 minutes of medium to high intensity then a 1 min cool down.  There you are! Done for the day!  You will see this help you make other changes in your life but YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE!! So Just Start with 10 minutes a Day!

If you need help finding the a workout routine Please contact me for help!

You can also watch this to see if this might be for you....

Also like my page for daily help and motivation to help you reach your goals for a Healthy and Happy life!

Thank you.  I am so privileged to work in the industry I am passionate about. I am so Happy to be able to help anyone and everyone.
Have an Amazing day!
Yvette Arguello ~BeachBody and P90X Coach

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are you Overtraining? What are the Signs?

I hear so many people tell me they are working out Every single day without taking Rest Days.  Or others that workout even when they are so exhausted from the day but still put in their workout.
Yes, working out Is good for you, but are you Over- training your body?

First off you want to make sure you are Smart about working out. Whether you are Strength Training or doing a Cardio workout you want to make sure to give your body a 48 hour rest from that workout.  This is why cross training is so important. Nutrition is so important during this time also at my site, you can find Pre-workout formula ( Energy and Endurance) and Post- workout ( Rest and Recovery) drinks. These are formulated to give you they right amounts of carbs and protein to help your muscles work properly.  So please make sure to make at least One day a week a Light activity day or Rest day!

Well, what if you have already over done it?  What are the signs of over training?
  1. Fatigue:  Exercise should leave you feeling energized not exhausted.  If you're not getting that feel-good endorphin rush that's one of the awesome by-products of being active, it's time to take a look at your training and see what your body may be telling you!
  2. Frequent colds or Infections:  When you exercise daily your body is continuously working on repairing your muscles. Then if you catch a virus, your immune system cannot spend 100% of it's energy to help you fight off the virus, thus you stay sick Longer.
  3. Difficulty Sleeping:  Are you unable to fall asleep? Or are you sleeping and still wake up so tired you feel could sleep all day?  Both of these can be caused by Over training.  exercising too much can cause your body to think it's stressed out. Which would make it hard to sleep, or may cause you to be so tired you can't function right.  Sleep is a time when the body and brain recovers, and if you're pushing it too hard, your body might be telling you that it needs more time to rest. So listen to your body and give it more rest!
  4. Ongoing or Chronic muscle soreness:  Well muscle soreness is a good thing, Right?  Yes, it's a sign that we gave it our all and are making our bodies stronger.  But if you've been sore for more than 48 hours or get sore easily then it's a sign of over doing it.  You Need extra REST! So please make sure to ease into exercise, adding time or intensity slowly over time.  Your body is a wonderful machine, take care of it and give it time to adapt and improve!
Other signs: Loss of appetite, excessive weight loss or loss of body fat, irregular menses, increased resting heart rate, increased injuries.
What to do Now?  Swap out your regular routine for a 30 minutes stretch, a brisk walk, or some dancing around the house.  You don't have to putting everything on hold but you Do need to tone it down so your Body can Recover! Remember -You are making yourself stronger by giving your body the rest that it's (subtly) asking for!
I'd Love to hear from you:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Build Consistency and Put your self first!

With the rules for building consistency.
Consistency is the Key to Success!

These simple rules, when followed faithfully, will make it easier for you to be consistent with your healthy Lifestylehabits—even on the toughest days.

Rule #1: Never tell yourself “I’m not motivated.”
That’s not the real problem, unless you really don’t want to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle. As long as you do want these things, you have all the motivation you need. Stop feeling guilty for taking time out for you, and realize in the long run, it's a win-win for everyone. When you are tired, stressed out and pulled in too many directions, it is hard to give your best to all you must accomplish. Remember, self-time is not selfish—it's a necessary dimension of self-care!

It may be true that sometimes you don’t want to excercise, or that you really want to stop and get fast food rather than cooking dinner. That’s understandable, but it doesn’t mean you’re not motivated. It just means that you want two different and opposing things, and you have to make a decision. Telling yourself that you lack motivation is just a way of denying that you really do have a choice. It makes the problem seem out of your control and it makes you feel less powerful than you really are. Not true!

In the long run you’ll do better if you acknowledge that the choice is yours to make. You can choose either option, without making excuses or inventing a theory like “lack of motivation” to justify it. Then, pay attention to how you feel about the choice you made, and decide whether that is how you want to feel most of the time.
Being consistent does not mean being perfect. (There are going to be days when you decide to do something other than stick to your excersice and healthy life style routine, and that’s fine.) But becoming consistent does mean giving yourself the power to choose.

Rule #2: Build momentum one step at a time.
It’s never easy to change old habits or start new routines. Studies show that it takes anywhere from 21 to 40 days to really turn a new behavior into a persistent habit. And during that time, you’re going to have to work at it pretty diligently—even when you don’t feel like it.

The key to long term consistency is building momentum. The hardest part is always getting things started. But once you’re moving, staying in motion and picking up speed becomes a lot easier. There are a lot of ways you can gradually build momentum during those first few weeks. Here are some examples:
  • Start with something that’s pretty easy to manage and build up from there. Set a goal of one 10-minute workout (Ten Minute Trainer) per week. Then increase it to two 10-minute sessions. Gradually add minutes to each workout (and eventually add one or more additional workouts to your week), until you're exercising as long and as frequently as you should in order to reach your goals. The simple act of setting aside some time for excercise every day, no matter how little, and sticking to it is enough to start building the habit.
  • Find an accountability buddy—someone who knows about your plan and is willing to give you a push when you feel like slacking off. I'm here to Help you with this!
  • Join a Team or Challenge here with me at Beachbody. It’s always harder to let someone else down than it is to let yourself off the hook.
  • Employ an excuse buster. Find a friend, family member, or Beachbody member whose judgment and opinion you respect. You’ll probably find that this makes it a lot harder for you to believe your own rationalizations.
Rule #3: Always have a plan B.
Because life is unpredictable and complicated, you need to have plan B ready—even before you actually need it. Plan B is an alternative way to stay consistent with your goals when your regular routine (or something else) doesn’t work out as planned. Those surprises won't throw you off track if you plan ahead.
Following these three simple rules will help you overcome some common obstacles while building the momentum you need to stay consistent. At the very least, you’ll be able to take all those lemons that life hands you, and make some good (and diet-friendly) lemonade out of them.  -SP

Join my Team or get free Help - I'm here to Support you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reasons Why A Besachbody Challege Pack is the Best Choice!

Reasons Why A Besachbody Challege Pack is the Best Choice!

Thousands of people are satisfied for making the best life choice by managing their health and fitness with Beachbody. It is because Beachbody offers a program that helps the people to stay in the best of health and in top shape.
Challenge Packs are a “whole deal” if you want to change your life completely. If you had been searching about Beachbody Challenge, you may have the slight understanding of the ultimate success formula: “Fitness + Nutrition = Success”. However to understand the benefits of all these things combined together in a wholesome pack, read on below and know Why Beachbody challenge is something that will benefit you.

Why Beachbody Challenge Pack Is A Must For Your Health?

These all in one-health solutions will meet your fitness goals without sacrificing your health.
Here are some of the reasons, which solve the above stated question; Why Beachbody Challenge is necessary for you? Let us have a look:

Reason Number 1: The Price:

The best thing about ordering the Beachbody challenge packs is the price difference. If you are ordering the workouts alone and getting Shakeology home direct option separately, then instead buying it in a bulk pack can help you save more. In addition, you will get proper guidance and support for keeping your goals in line and manage your routine accordingly when you join the Beachbody Challenge Group.
Plus, besides everything, you get the great 30 day money back guarantee through which you can return your challenge pack, if you find it unsatisfactory. So there is nothing to lose.

Reason Number 2: The Choice:

The Beachbody Challenge packs includes from the easiest exercises to the most intense Beachbody workouts that are packed with nutrition and the guidance of the top coaches.
Choose according to your fitness scenario, whether you want to get fit physically or just want to cleanse your system, make your choice.

Reason Number 3: Club Membership:

With the challenge pack purchase, you Join Beachbody with 30-day trial membership and you automatically become a member of the club. This is an amazing deal as it is absolutely free of any original costs associated with joining the Beachbody Team.

Reason Number 4: Cash Prizes

By ordering the Beachbody challenge pack, you also get a change of winning up to $100,000 and other daily and monthly prices. Join any Beachbody Challenge group with your challenge pack, track your progress and share your success story to win the prizes.

Get Your Beachbody Challenge Pack Today!

Beachbody Challenge packs are second to none.
The great workout programs in the packs have helped people to mend the body while the nutrition supplements have put an end to a poor lifestyles. Internet is filled with “success stories” and transformation images of the Beachbody products.
Make sure you fully get the benefit from your challenge packs as well!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NO Bake Chocolate Shakeology Cookies


1 cup of Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup of Natural Peanut Butter

1 cup of Quick Cook Oats
1/3 cup of honey
This makes 24 small balls for 115 calories. 12 larger balls for 332 calories. As a snack one small ball with a glass of skim milk. For a meal replacement you can do 3 small balls or one large ball.
First, remove any rings you’re wearing and wash your hands really well. Then combine ingredients in medium bowl. Mix well. Roll into balls (about a heaping teaspoon each).

Store in the fridge on wax paper.

Optional: Roll in crushed nuts, oatmeal mixed with a little cinnamon, whole-grain graham cracker crumbs, or unsweetened coconut flakes.

Serving Size: 24 small-snack sized balls OR 12 large-meal sized balls

Number of Servings: 24
I've done this and they were very Yummy! Easy to make and Healthy to boot. :)
For more information on Shakeology visit

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get out of your comfort Zone!

Hey all.  What do you do to get out of your comfort Zone?? 
So recently I was with a friend and I really challenged her with a what I thought was a Fun, funky workout.  She thought it was too fast and too intense. 

We proceeded to talk about the workouts she usually does and which are her favorite.

I came to realize that is why so many people don't get to their goals. They don't go Beyond their Comfort zone!  You need to work all parts of the body to shape your body into the Body you WANT! 

One of the things to reach out of my comfort Zone, was to get Certified as a P90X Trainer.  I was not a super fit person. I'm a Mom that wanted to get healthy and wanted to help her family as well as others get Healthy also!
The Reason I Love P90X----  it works Every Part of Your Body!  This is why so many people from Obese to Slightly Over-weight people have done this Program and Have Achieved Results.  Sure some may need to stick with it for a lot longer than the 90 days.  Um, So what - they Did it and are so happy they did.  I met one of the Obese guys we've all seen on the Infomercials. He stayed with the plan and is now a happy and healthy husband and father.  He is now a role model for so many!  Wow- I can only hope to be a good example for my girls and my family and friends.

If you are stuck in a rut, Please reach out to me!  I am ready and willing to help you reach your goals!
I would Love to hear of Your Successes Also.

You can reach me at:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My First 5k

So last month My 10 year old daughter and I did our first 5k!
Yay  =)  we had a wonderful time.   We started out at 6am getting ready for our morning.
We were full of butterflies and excitement.  We drove to the round up spot and found our names to get registered.  We grabbed our T-shirts and found a spot to stand by and wait till start time.  

Finally the time came to get all lined up.  Everyone filled the street.  We found a couple spots for ourselves and anticipated the Start! 
Then off we were running in all the hustle and bustle!  Woohoo we were off to an excellent start! 
Yaxha, my daughter loves to run, she loves racing the kids at school.  She especially loves to beat the boys.  :)  She is a great sprinter but I found out she needs help staying at a steady pace.  But our first 5k was not the place to teach her that.  So we ran then walked then ran some more then walked! 

I was able to point out to her how the more seasoned runners were staying steady. They were not running Fast but a nice and even pace. It was great to see the variety of people out that beautiful Saturday morning.  We saw older ones and very young ones, Mom's pushing baby's in strollers and couples motivating each other along.  We enjoyed it so much we are determined to do more.

I love that I can share my love of health and fitness with my family.

What type of fitness do you do with your Family??

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How was your Summer?

So I've been off the Blog radar for awhile.
My Summer was very busy with Kids and Workouts and just the everyday Mom on the run type of stuff.
I had an absolute great time getting together for workouts early Tuesday mornings for 8 weeks straight. The ladies that joined me expressed to me the enjoyment and the new found strength the 2 workouts a week gave them. To my Delight!  :)
Of course the summer had to end and school started.  Which meant that our little group had to start getting kids to school, so our morning workouts ended.   Se La Vie.

Now that my girls are back in full time school after home-schooling two full years, I am finding a little more time for myself and I'm liking it! 

So, One fun thing we did this month is go to the LA county fair!  We went on Military Hero's day so my Husband and I felt a little comfortable letting our girls walk around and get on rides by themselves for an hour.

 AS we walked through the many vendors  I saw so Many NEW Health gadgets and gizmos.  I Had to Laugh as I walked by them. I Know we are all busy But Come On People standing on a machine that makes you Wiggle and Giggle is NOT going to give you Lasting Health Benefits!  Putting on some kind of patch or drinking some kind of pill is Not Going to do the Trick Either!

As I have talked about in previous blogs - I made a Choice to make my life healthy last April 2011.  What did I do?  I Workout out 4 to 5 days a week sometimes even 6 to 7 days.  I Learned to Love the pain of sore muscles and being sweaty every morning. I Learned to shop for healthier Food.  I Learned to Read the LABELS!  Now this, all these things put together have Given Me Lasting Health Benefits!!  I have maintained my 20 pound loss for a year now. I have all the energy I need to get up early in the morning with an early bird hubby and do all the MOM things of the day well into the night.  But I'm not Just a stay at home MOM - I am also A Business owner. So that adds loads to my day also.

Being an Independent Business Owner with Beachbody as not only given me a healthier life but has also afforded me to be a great wife and mother.  I love Helping others find the healthy life style they are looking for.  It is the most rewarding thing to get an email or text from a client that tells me they are a few pounds lighter this week or they can fit into clothes comfortably again! 
If you are in need of that kind of support please don't hesitate to contact me.  This is my passion and I love being able to have a business that supports me financially as well.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Contact me at:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dine Out Without Diving Off Your Diet

When you start to eat healthily, dining out, which was once a bliss-filled, belt-notch-loosening pleasure, becomes a culinary terror.

Servings are Matterhorn-esque in size. Supertankers of soda abound. Fries come with your order whether you want them or not. Nary a veggie can be seen for miles.

We're here to help.

But please remember that even with our tips, restaurant dining is almost always going to be less healthy than what you can make at home. That said, here are a few pointers:

1. Make smart choices
Almost every menu contains chicken or fish cooked in a healthy way. Look for words like "grilled," "broiled," or "steamed," and avoid "sautéed" and "fried."

2. Skip the appetizer
By definition, an appetizer is intended to get your appetite going. But when some appetizers contain more than 1,000 calories, that's not an appetizer—that's a full meal and more! If you do want an appetizer, ask your table if they'd be willing to split one of the healthier options like a salad, bruschetta, ceviche, or anything that's light on sauce and heavy on fruits, veggies, or lean protein.

3. Eat a salad
Greens are also a great option, but not all salads are created equal. Stick with salads that don't contain mayo (in other words, avoid the tuna and chicken salad), and ask for the dressing on the side. This way you can add your tablespoon or two, instead of having your salad drenched in it.

4. Side dishes in your mouth mean sidecars on your thighs
At many restaurants, the "side" is a baked potato, fries, or coleslaw. What does that equal? Unnecessary calories. If you'd like a side, request the salad (dressing on the side), fruit, or steamed veggies, even if you don't see them as an option.

5. No bread
Don't eat the bread. Does it taste good? Sure! But instead of eating something because it's in front of you, swap those empty calories for something you'd actually enjoy.

6. Eat half
Over time, American portion sizes have enlarged to gargantuan sizes. Restaurants often provide you not with one serving of pasta, but with as many as 4 or more. But if you have a hard time not cleaning your plate—after all, the food does taste good—request that the waiter split your order in half before they bring it to the table. That way you can enjoy your dinner as lunch later in the week.

7. No soda
If bread is bad, soda might be worse. That's because it's easy to consume massive amounts of calories fast. And don't even think about going the "diet" route. Those artificial sweeteners aren't healthy, and they can lead you to crave more sugary substances. Talk about a lose-lose! If you want something other than water, ask for unsweetened iced tea. It's calorie free, so you can drink as much as you want!

8. Dessert
Really? Really? Granted, some restaurants use restraint, and focus more on unique flavors than on quantity, but if you're out with friends at the type of place where the dessert has more calories than your meal, and they insist upon ordering it, suggest the table split it. Then take a single bite and put your spoon down. It's not about denying yourself, but about making smart choices. If you're still craving something sweet when you get home, enjoy some yogurt and berries or a piece of fruit.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring is here which means Summer is just around the corner. Monday, May 28th is the symbolic start of summer, and for many, the beginning of a three month game of "hide your body" whenever it's time to put on shorts or a swimsuit.
Not this year! Let's all make a commitment to a healthy body this summer.
Let's go for it! This is the moment! Don't wait for next year. ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS starting soon! Ask me for more details.

Beachbody has some awesome new workout programs that are getting rave reviews:
Tony Horton's P90X2 and 10 Minute Trainer.
Shaun T's Rockin Body and Fit Kid's Club.
 Thai Cheng and LesMills Pump!

Shakeology is one of Beachbody's newest products that we call the Healthiest Meal of the Day. There is nothing else like it on the market. A complete and true meal replacement. It has over 70 ingredients that has helped people lower cholesterol, lose weight, gain energy, improve digestion & regularity, and so much more. AND NOW IT IS AVAILABLE IN A VEGAN OPTION-TROPICAL STRAWBERRY! To find out more go to or email or call me for more details.

COMING SOONThe Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a 21 day program and is comprised of 3 week long phases. As you are going through the phases your body will become more and more accustomed to properly processing the nutrients that you are taking in. During the Beachbody Ultimate Reset you will naturally and gradually experience weight and fat loss. Once you have finished the Beacbody Ultimate Reset you will feel renewed and full of energy. It will be like you have a brand new body!

A lot of you have been asking what it means to be a Beachbody Coach. You don't have to be an expert to be a coach and anyone can do it. A Beachbody Coach is simply someone who cares about helping others get healthy and fit. Plus, you get a 25% off of all the products you order through Beachbody. I can show you how you can join our team of Beachbody Coaches and begin helping others with their health and fitness goals, and, get paid to do so. I feel so incredibly blessed to have this opportunity and want to share it with all of you.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you look and feel your BEST for the summer. Or, just send me an update on how you are doing. You can email or call me at 760-224-2534.

I look forward to hearing from you.
In This Together,

Yvette Arguello 
Qualified P90X Coach

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Ultimate Reset Program from Beachbody!

Coming Soon!!! Beachbody Ultimate Reset: 21 Day Nutritiona​l Program to Transform Your Body from the Insaide Out!

 How It Works: The 21-day Reset Occurs in Three Phases.

    Balance Body Chemistry
   Constant consumption of preservatives and chemical-laden foods along with exposure to toxins and pollution impair normal body processes. During Phase 1, you'll balance your body chemistry with four of the six supplements in order to optimize its systems. This will also reduce cravings or dependencies on items such as sugar or caffeine.*
   Remove Toxins & Reset Digestion
  In Phase 2, you'll be reversing the effects of poor habits, unhealthy foods, and environmental toxins. You'll modify your diet so that your digestive system won't have to struggle, and digestive problems you may have experienced before such as bloating and indigestion will be significantly reduced as your gasotrointestinal tract is cleansed.*
   Rejuvenate Your Health
  When you reach Phase 3, you will experience a profound positive change in your mood and energy level. During the final week, you'll eat foods of high-nutritional value whose nutrients are easily absorbed and return healthy bacteria to your freshly scrubbed digestive tract with pre- and probiotics. This will set you on the path to long-term healthy living.*
 The Six Supplements

 For maximum health the blood should be slightly alkaline. Our alkalinizer helps to bring your body back into a healthy pH balance for improved immunity.

 Supplementing oxygen helps the body eliminate waste from the tissues, which assists energy production and the transport of nutrients.

 Our rare natural salt contains highly beneficial trace minerals that aid the digestive tract, regulate water content, and support cellular function—ordinary salt does not.

 This combination of pre- and probiotics restores the balance of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract for a stronger immune system.
 Systematic enzymes play a critical role in all bodily functions. Our unique blend of enzymes helps promote optimal immune and inflammatory responses in the body.

 Our detoxifying clay draws toxic compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and our proprietary herb blend restores your system to optimal digestive health.


Why Reset?

   Even though the body is extremely resilient, our bodies have been pushed to the limit by pollution, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and toxins contained in nearly every item that makes up our modern world. These harmful items disrupt the normal function of our organs and bodily systems, which, in turn, weakens our immunity, hinders metabolic activity, and creates imbalances that can lead to health problems.

    With the Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ you get these benefits:
     Stronger immune system
     Increased energy and more endurance
     Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss
     A more positive mood and mental clarity

It Only Takes 3 Weeks!

Help your body start fresh
  Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is that first important step, or you want to optimize your stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of health and fitness.
  Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.
 Here is what you get:

    Six Supplements
 Our targeted supplements detox, alkalinize, oxygenize, mineralize, optimize, and revitalize to restore your body to the highest level of health.
   Extensive Support
 Support and encouragement from your Team Beachbody Coach® and other team members is available online anytime, plus our communication tools let you chat, share, and get tips.

    Participant Guidebook
 Explore the science behind our program, get three weeks worth of menus and recipes, and learn all of the health benefits you'll achieve from Beachbody Ultimate Reset.

   Two DVDs
 Part of getting your body back to its optimal health includes lifestyle changes you can implement with our healthy recipes, yoga instruction, and wellness techniques.
   Reset Bracelet
 Our natural fiber bracelet symbolizes your dedication to transforming your life—a reminder to commend yourself for doing your best and give thanks for all you have.

   Reset Caddy
 With our convenient vitamin caddy, you'll never have to worry about missing your supplements. Our convenient case is perfect for travel or taking to work.

 Plus, Get Exclusive Access To:
   Day-By-Day Schedules
 Simply select your program day to get your daily menu, including recipes for each of your three meals and a chart that tells you precisely when to take your supplements.
   Cooking Shows and Recipes
 We make food preparation easy by offering fun cooking videos that give you step-by-step instructions on how to prepare our delicious recipes.

   Support Network
 Not only are Team Beachbody Coaches excited to answer all of your questions, as a Reset member you can swap tips, advice and support with others.

   Knowledge Base
 Discover the science behind our supplements, facts about body chemistry, and basic nutrition information that can help you live a healthier lifestyle.
 The Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is a comprehensive program designed to benefit your body, mind and spirit. Our wellness techniques help you achieve all-around health.

   Lifestyle Benefits
 Learn effective ways to relax, fall asleep with ease, purge negative emotions, and develop healthy habits that will help you live a happier and more vibrant lifestyle.
Yes! I'm ready to transform my body and rediscover my true healthy self! Click here for more info

Yvette Arguello
Emerald Beachbody Coach / P90X Certified Instructor

Friday, March 9, 2012

Eating Healthy on A Budget!

Eating healthy costs too much!! Right?? That’s the most common excuse I hear about why people can’t stick to the nutrition plan. They just can’t afford to buy all that “healthy food”. After all, a bag of chips IS cheaper than a container of blueberries. There’s no denying that! And a value meal at McDonalds is cheaper than grilled chicken with steamed veggies from a restaurant.
 However, I think there is a lot more to the story of eating healthy than just how much we spend on any one item. It’s a total picture. And I’ve found that the TRUE COST of healthy eating is actually less …. MUCH LESS, than the normal American fast-food culture.
 Before I started eating right, I ate fast food or out for lunch 2-3 times per week. My husband ate out 5 days a week for lunch. That usually cost us $8-$15 a day ( I live in California and eating out is expensive!). Even if I didn't live in California I am sure that would cost on average at least $6 a day. How many times do you eat out a week? My husband also stopped at the local coffee shop at least 3 times a week for a coffee at about $3 a stop. Add to that the late night ice cream, chips and dip, the cookies for munching between meals, and of course our big family nights out at the restaurant, with meal and tip always racking up $100 or more for a family of 4.  I was blowing a TON of money each month on my typical American diet.
 Making the change to eat healthy and really be smart about my nutrition wasn’t easy. I resisted it in the beginning. And the easiest thing to do would have been to make excuses for why I couldn’t do it (whether it be money, time, family, etc.). But I wasn’t going to go down the “excuse” road — I’d done that before and it never led to my goals. I was going to commit to clean eating and buying foods that I know my body really needs — not junk food to fill me up with empty calories.
 And how does my budget look now that I’ve been eating healthy for over a year?? I take my lunch. My husband makes NO stops at the coffee shop that cost me over $90 a month. We eat dinner at home, with healthy cooking. I don’t munch on cookies and candy between meals. And there’s no more late night ice cream. So yes, blueberries cost more. Shakeology costs more. Lean meat costs more per pound than ground beef. But overall, I am saving a lot of money if I look at the big picture. And the healthy foods I put in my body satisfy it, keep it feeling full and well-fueled, and stop the impulse eating and boredom eating that used to plague me (and my pocketbook).(My kids do get treats but they are being taught the Importance of Healthy Living.)
 And then, of course, there is a much bigger cost that I haven’t even touched on yet — the cost of being overweight and in bad health! Americans spend billions and billions per year on preventable diseases because we, as a culture, have let ourselves go. This is the real tragedy in all of this.
 Even if I spent more on healthy food (which I don’t believe is the case), isn’t my health worth it? How much work do overweight, sick people miss? How much productivity is lost from preventable sicknesses? How much productivity is lost by simply being too overweight, out-of-shape, and tired to give a full day’s work? And how much do we spend on diabetes meds, high blood pressure meds, etc. etc.? The list goes on.
 And that’s just touching on productivity (which translates into dollars). What about our ability to enjoy life? Obesity and it’s effect on our energy and health can completely devastate our ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of life — going on a bike ride, hiking, fitting in a roller-coaster seat, etc., etc.
 There is a HUGE cost to obesity — more than we realize when we pick McDonalds over our sack lunch.  Child Obesity is on the Rise, I will NOT let my kids be one of those statistics! Will YOU?
 Think about the big picture the next time you hear the excuse, “I can’t afford to eat healthy.” Then respond, “How can you afford not to!?!?”

Yvette Arguello
Emerald Beachbody Coach 

And a favor that I ask:
1) Remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as you buy them through my site,, or by logging into your account to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain beachbody site I get no credit). It helps with the amount of time I spend answering all your questions and helping you out. Thank you! I really appreciate it!
 Keep bringing it and inspiring others to do the same gang!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Non Profit and Beachbody Make a Great Team!

There is a great opportunity for Beachbody Coaches and non profit organizations to work together to raise money for the non profit’s cause. The non profit organization is able to sell Beachbody products, and all of the commissions go directly to the non profit organization.
What makes this fundraising opportunity a “no brainer” for the non profit, is that it is completely free for them. Any 501(c)(3) non profit can get started completely for free, there is no start up cost, and no monthly fee that the non profit organization is required to pay.
There are over 1 million registered non profits in the U.S., think of all of the possibilities. School districts, churches, little league baseball, soccer, football, or basketball teams could take part in this fundraising opportunity. Instead of having a traditional “bake sale” to raise for your you kid’s soccer team, offer a healthy alternative and raise money with Beachbody products. In schools, instead of the students selling unhealthy pizza kits, popcorn, or chocolates, they could offer Shakeology and Beachbody’s popular workout programs.

Non profit organizations are signed up through a Beachbody Coach, who will then work with a liaison from the non profit. The Coach is responsible for helping the organization put together a marketing plan, and help come up the marketing materials that will be needed. When an organization decides to participate in this fundraising opportunity, the non profit’s business center acts the same as if they signed up as a regular Coach. The non profit organization gets a website to makes sales from, and all of the sales are considered team volume to the Coach that got the signed up the non profit. This is why a Coach would be willing to work with a non profit and help set up a marketing plan, they will be compensated in the form of team volume, which they could then earn bonuses on if they qualified. It is a win/win for both parties, the non profit gets the opportunity to raise money for their cause by being able to sell Beachbody products, and the Coach that introduced the non profit to the opportunity can potentially earn bonuses on all of the volume created from the non profit sales.
Some Beachbody Coaches have already signed up entire school districts. With the way this business model works, a Beachbody Coach could potentially grow a very large organization just from getting 2 non profits involved in this fundraising opportunity.
If you are a involved with a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and are interested in learning more…Go here and request a call back, I will get back with you as soon as I can (within 24 hours) or contact me at 760-224-2534

Friday, February 3, 2012

Shakeology in Bloomberg Business Week!

I recently came across a great article about Shakeology, and the creator Darin Olien. The article talks about the business side of things and refers to Beachbody as a “multilevel marketing powerhouse”, which is awesome to hear because just few years ago Beachbody was considered a small start up company, at least the home based business opportunity side of it was.

The article went on to say that Shakeology creates $100 million dollars annually and that it is responsible for 20% of the company’s business. It also said that the numbers on Shakeology are growing at 100% annually, with no advertising. I guess that means you can credit the Beachbody Coach network for those great growth numbers, that is exactly how the business model of network marking is supposed to work.

The article also discusses the ingredients in Shakeology, and for the most part it gets great reviews from all of the experts that have looked at is. There is some controversy on what these “superfood” ingredients actually do and if they do anything at all. These ingredients have been consumed for thousands of years by indigenous people, but there has never really been and tests done on them. I’m not even sure if tests can be done a proper way. From what I understand, the critical biochemical functions performed by these superfood ingredients takes places on a molecular versus cellular lever. And because each cell is made up of trillions of molecules, these functions cannot even be detected with an optical microscope. This is why nutrition was ignored for so long, doctors and scientists simply couldn’t see what was happening on a molecular level. Of course, now there are electron microscopes that are available, and are just recently becoming widespread so we should have better scientific answers in the future.

There is one simple way to find out the effectiveness of the ingredients in Shakeology, simply test them. In the article, Beachbody’s chief science officer Bill Wheeler says, “we are conducting a full-scale clinical trial on Shakeology, 100 people, 100 days, double-blind. At a university medical school.” (Wheeler wouldn’t disclose when the results would be published.) That is great news and I can’t wait for those results to be released.

The article mentions the products Muscle Milk, and Ensure, and categorizes them as Shakeology’s competitor, although they note that Shakeology falls somewhere in between these 2 and that Shakeology isn’t actually a meal replacement shake, but more of a supplement. I was curious on what the people over at were rating those 2 products and this is what I found. Ensure rated between 53-83 depending on which specific flavor you are drinking, and Muscle Milk rated between 52-81 also depending on the specific flavor being rated.

Great News! Shakeology beats both of the products mentioned above with a 95-97 health score at If you have never been on the site before, go check it out, it is a great site that is very easy to use, and it is completely free.
I paraphrased the article slightly, but you can read the entire piece at
or find out more about shakeology here:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Coach Fee Waived with Challenge Pack!

The Fee To Become A Coach Is Waived When You Purchase A Challenge Pack!

You Can Save Up To $75!

So here is how it works. You have the option when becoming a Beachbody Coach to purchase a Challenge pack. The prices for the challenge packs are listed above. For the prices listed above, you get 1 workout, a month’s supply of Shakeology, and a Team Beachbody club membership.

Normally the price to become a Coach is $40. When you purchase a Challenge pack the $40 sign up fee is waived. By purchasing a Challenge pack, you are not only saving money on the Coach start up fee, you are also saving money on the products.

For example, if you were to purchase P90x and Shakeology individually at regular customer prices, this would cost you $240.
So if you were to buy Shakeology($120), and P90x($120), then decided to later become a Coach and work the business opportunity($40), all of that totals up to $280!
You can save $75 by becoming a Coach now, and purchasing a Challenge pack during the signup process.

Click Here To Get Signed Up Today!

Save Money AND Get Fit and Fabulous!

Average cost of 1 year gym membership: $720.
Average cost of 1 year bootcamp membership: $2400.
Average cost of 1 year personal trainer 1 hour 5 days/week: $12,500.
Cost of Jenny Craig per month (including food): $500+.
Cost of top Beachbody fitness programs (i.e. P90X, Insanity, TurboFire etc.): $119.
Cost of personal Beachbody coach as a trainer: FREE.
Cost to join one of my challenge groups: $160-205 depending on pack (includes workout program, month of Shakeology meal replacement, & "club" membership).

Come join me in making 2012 the healthiest and fittest you EVER!!
Save Money With A Beachbody Challenge Pack Today!

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