Thatbeing said, yes I know, it is expensive. I completely get that. I was hesitant to try it because I was on unemplyment and was just getting by. However, when Kristi told me she had seen her grocery bill drop, I decided to try it. Also, I figured I would get free shipping by ordering on Auto Ship (save money) and if I didn't like it I would cancel after 30 days and get my money back. I thought what do I have to lose? 30 days of free meals and if I don't get results I can get a full refund. But after using it a month, I was hooked and have been using Shakeology ever since.
The two most common questions I get regarding Shakeology are:
1. “What can I use as a substitute for Shakeology?”
2. “Why is it so expensive?”
These are great questions. I always try to give all my honest feedback on every product, whether good or bad. I am not trying to sell anyone on products that I do not use myself or spend my own money on. Now, on that note, let me answer these questions for you about Shakeology.
Q1: What can I use as a substitute for Shakeology?
A1: Nothing. There is not anything at ALL on the market today that is a substitute or can even compare to Shakeology. I have looked and looked for something that can compare. If I found something I would definitely talk about it. I am happy and willing to compare many of the beachbody products to other products and analyze cost, ingredients, effectiveness, etc. Other than Shakeology, the real thing, there isn't a substitution or anything that compares out there.
If you live outside the US I know you can't get Shakeology. Beachbody is working hard on customs clearance to export Shakeology, but the ingredient list is the big hold up. Shakeology has some of the most amazing food sources, yet most rare in the world, all put together in one shake. EVERY ingredient in Shakeology has to get customs clearance before your country will let Shakeology in as an import. With the large list of ingredients the red tape is slowing the process down.
In the meantime, make sure you are getting enough protein (supplement of whey protein) and make sure that you get a variety of nutrient rich food daily-berries, veggies.. Variety of nutrient dense foods is key to a healthy diet.
And the MOST COMMON question I hear daily relates to COST. Believe me, I had the same question when I purchased Shakeology for the first time.
Q2: Is Shakeology worth the cost? What is in it that makes it worth $120? Why is Shakeology so expensive?
A2: I am not a Shakeology pusher, I am simply a firm believer in Shakeology as someone who uses it daily.
First let's look at Shakeology from a cost perspective-
Shakeology costs $120 for a 30 day supply as a customer. It is $89 as a coach. It is about twice as much as a tub of whey protein for a coach and three times as much as whey protein for a customer. But Shakeology does not compare to whey protein... That is like comparing a house to wood. I would expect to pay more a house, much more, than I would pay for wood. Wouldn't you? (pun intended) Because wood is one component of a house. A house has fixtures, foundation, floors, plumbing pipes, etc. (You probably guessed) Shakeology is like the house, while whey protein is like the wood. Whey protein is awesome, but Shakeology has hundreds (seriously check out the ingredients) of ingredients as well as whey protein, which have all been combined in the right combinations and the right amounts to give us the best possible way for our bodies to absorb and utilize the nutrients. Which gives us the best possible way to fuel our body each day. So I would EXPECT to pay a good bit more for Shakeology than I would pay for whey protein.
I see people misconceive that Shakeology is going to add $120 (or $89) to their monthly expenses if they use it. This is not true at all. When I started spending $89 each month on Shakeology I simply reallocated what I was already spending on food/supplements each month to spend it on Shakeology instead of whatever else I was spending money on. For me, my food bill decreased because I was eating less foods that carried no nutritional value and replacing it with Shakeology. My cravings decreased and my spending was allocated towards the healthier option, Shakeology.
We all spend money each month to put food in our mouths. What would we trade to put Shakeology in our mouths? TO change the way we look and feel? I have actually started to save money now compared to the habits I had before purchasing Shakeology each month.
1) How many times per week/month do you eat lunch out and how much are you spending on average per lunch out? I ate out at least 3 times per week and spent on average $10 per meal. This is not including the morning coffee runs. Simply trading that expense for taking a sack lunch can re-allocate enough to buy Shakeology and not spend anymore money per month.
2) How often do you get starbucks or purchase from another local coffee shop? Will you trade coffee for Shakeology for 1 month and see what it does for your health and your pocket book?
3) How often do you purchase a soda or some other habit forming snacl? By giving up those little indulgences of habit I save way more per month than I spend on Shakeology!
4) How much do you spend on your multivitamins, whey protein, other supplements per month? Add it up and you may be spending close to the amount you would spend on Shakeology and not even getting nearly as much benefit as you would from Shakeology, which has protein, vitamins, as well as fruit and vegetable blends from around the world that are simply impossible to find even if you had all day to look for them.
I really believe that Shakeology is the single best thing I use to fuel my body each and every day. I use Shakeology as a meal replacement. I drink it every morning during or after my work out. I no longer have those 3pm lows that I used to get everyday after doing chores and school work with the girls. My energy levels are sustained throughout the day. Something that my normal diet and vitamins before Shakeology, did not give me.
Taking care of myself means rearanging my time and money.
It's so easy to say you can't afford to eat healthy or don't have time to exercise. I used to say the same thing. Now, people ask me how I have the time on a daily basis to do this. I make the choice everyday to be healthy. I re-allocate my time and money to give myself the best chance at success. I hope you do the same. Give yourself the best chance at success!
Snipets are borrowed from my Coach Kristi :)
Snipets are borrowed from my Coach Kristi :)
Have a Wounderful Day and stay healthy!